The Greatest Strategy To Prolong Cone Crusher Liners Span Life
Cone crushers work by allowing the stone to flow into the chamber. The chamber is then lined with wear parts , which are known as mantle and bowl liners. The coked chamber as well as the stone drop are removed. Crushing happens when mantle's motion results in the abrasive and compressive forces to be acted upon the liners for the bowl and stone which causes the stone to break. Such liners are actually made of manganese steel rather than the standard steel as this kind of steel material provides the greatest protection against impact of abrasion. The current economic situation makes cost base the main element for any business. Cone crusher wear prices could be the most costly cost center. This article will help you understand how to reduce the cost of wear by hard-facing the crusher's liner. In the quarrying industry it's not a new concept but the process has proven to be effective in recent years and will work great in the most effective applications. Use ...